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10th English, Culture and Diversity Day

Language and identity in a world of multiple crises
 25/03/2024 - 08:00 to 22:00


The English, Culture, and Diversity Day (ECDDay) is a FREE hybrid (in-person with online transmission on our YouTube Channel Letras Inglês UFU: https://www.youtube.com/@letrasinglesufu4538)  conference organized by the English Language Course faculty and students. ECDDay aims to share knowledge produced in different social, educational, and research areas. This year, the event revolves around "Language and Identity in a World of Multiple Crises" and hopes to be a space to provoke critical and creative debate among participants.

Since its first edition, ECDDay has fostered an intense exchange of ideas and new ventures addressing life and academic issues: 

Internationalization at home and abroad (2023)

Culture and Diversity in a World of Dis/Misinformation (2022)

Resistance and Resilience Narratives in the Face of Covid-19 (2021)

The World of Tomorrow: innovation that moves us forward (2019)

Democracy is... (2018)

World Englishes (2015)

I have a dream! The global road to equality in an age of diversity (2014)

[IN]dependence: Nation and Identity (2013)

Thanksgiving (2012)

  Join us on the 25th of March 2024!


8h00 – 8h30 Opening session 

8h30 – 9h15 Opening conference:  Re-reading Language and Identity in times of crisis

Keynote Speaker: Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza (USP) 

Moderator: Flávia Benfatti (UFU)

9h15 – 9h45 Debate

9h45 - 10h Break

10h  – 11h Panel: Publish or perish?: questioning language and identity within the neoliberal agenda in the academic and media arenas 

  • We have to be seen. Don't we? - Janaisa Viscardi (@janaviscardi) 

  • Out of sight, out of mind: professional accounts and the demands for overposting - Maria Luisa Nobre (UFU)

  • The university is not a company (is it?) - Rogério de Castro Angelo (UFU) 

Opening Panel: João Pedro Pereira (UFU)

11h00 – 11h30 Debate

19h – 20h Panel: Language and identity in times of threatened education

  • High quality education regardless of the student - Juliana Santana (ICEA) 

  • The teaching of foreign languages in Brazilian public schools: evaluating research and language policies - Ernesto Bertoldo (UFU) 

  • Teacher education and subjective dismissal: what can the word do in this scenario? - Carla Tavares (UFU) 

Moderator: Adriano Henriques (CEFET - Araxá) 

20h – 20h30 Debate

Evening Attendance List: https://shorturl.at/dkzER 

20h30 – 21h00 Closing Session

21h00 – 21h15 Celebration  



Lynn Mario T Menezes de Souza is a Senior Professor in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of São Paulo.

Jana Viscardi was born in Votuporanga, SP, and holds a bachelor's degree in Linguistics from the University of Campinas, a

Ernesto S Bertoldo graduated in Modern Languages from the Federal University of Uberlandia, a master's in Applied Linguist

Carla Tavares has a teaching degree and a master's from the Federal University of Uberlandia.

Juliana Santana has a degree in Literature from the São Paulo State University and a master's and a Ph.D.

Rogério de Castro Angelo is a professor of Portuguese and English at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Tech


Cost of the event: 
Evento gratuito
Registration period: 
29/02/2024 - 12:00 to 25/03/2024 - 23:59


Amanda Massuretti

Carolina Goulart

Cristiane Brito

Ediberto Rocha

Ian Biati

Ivan Ribeiro

Lara Souza 

Larissa Mazuchelli

Maria Fernanda Capel

Mariana Peixoto

Nayara Rocha

Rebecca Cruz

Stella Menezes

Victoria Castão



PET Letras


Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU
Pró-reitoria de Extensão, Cultura e Assuntos Estudantis - PROEX/UFU
Event Nature: 
Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.