XXV International Congress of Mechanical Engineering
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is an honor and a great pleasure to announce the 25th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, COBEM 2019 with the theme of “The Best Congress Ever”. The congress will be held in Uberlandia – MG – Brazil, in October 20-25, 2019.
The hosting organization (School of Mechanical Engineering of the Federal University of Uberlandia) will make all the efforts to welcome you all on the best possible way, promoting technical sessions, plenary sessions, poster sessions, technical meeting, and various social events, aiming at ensuring “the best congress ever”.
COBEM 2019 will bring more than 140 keynotes lectures, 650 oral presentations and an exclusive session of posters. Beyond this, the interaction between industry and academia will take a place to attract and facilitate networking and encourage partnerships.
Paper Submission
04/03/2019 - Deadline for Extended Abstract Submission
13/06/2019 - Deadline for Final Manuscript Submission