Luiz Felipe Ferraretto
Assistant Professor and Ruminant Nutrition Extension Specialist at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Luiz Ferraretto is originally from Brazil where he earned his B.S. in Animal Science from São Paulo State University in 2008. Immediately after the completion of his B.S. Degree, Luiz joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison for an internship (2009) followed by an M.S. (2011) and Ph.D. (2015) in dairy science with a focus on applied dairy nutrition and forage quality. After the completion of his Ph.D., Luiz joined The William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute as a Post-doctoral Research Associate. From 2016 to 2020, Luiz was an Assistant Professor of Livestock Nutrition at the University of Florida. Luiz joined UW-Madison in May of 2020.
His research and extension interests are applied ruminant nutrition and management. His program is focused on understanding and improving starch and fiberutilization by dairy cows, corn silage and high-moisture corn quality and digestibility, the use of alternative by-products as feed ingredients, supplementation of feed additives to lactating cows, and the development of on-farm and laboratory techniques for forage and feed analysis.